Building strong relationships is a whole school priority underpinned by the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships Program (of which Wycheproof P12 College is a lead school). Staff take the time to talk to students in and out of the classroom. Because of the small nature of our community, teachers have a heightened level of awareness of family relationships and student participation levels in and out of school hours including involvement in sporting and other hobbies. As such, students and teachers have a genuine interest in each other’s lives. Such positive interactions foster a culture of trust where students are encouraged to take risks in their learning and the school motto of ‘Be Your Best’ is actively encouraged in all learning activities that students undertake. Student achievement data over the past four years indicates that writing outcomes have improved, VCE data is strong and there are credible employment pathways for VCAL students. All of these outcomes ensure that the school has a strong reputation for learning. New students who enrol into the school are quickly inducted into the school culture through observing the actions of other children being actively engaged in their learning (FISO priority – Setting expectations and promoting inclusion). Data tracking and regular communication channels ensure that students needing additional learning support receive targeted inventions or one-on-one support to assist their educational progress. The Prep to Year 12 nature of the school ensures older students model appropriate learning behaviours to younger students and the school regularly takes the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate success (particularly individual growth in learning not just above age expectations).